
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Fog Of Illusion: Recognizing Division In A World Primed For Unity

No matter where in the world you live. No matter how tame or extreme your belief system is. No matter how much you feel you hate or love someone or something. There is something that every human being on the planet is subjected to from birth. Illusion.

It is the singular weapon that is cast against all of us. From the wealthiest, warmongering "elites" to the poorest, disease stricken families in third world countries. When all is taken down to one basic concept, this term is what dictates how we all live our lives. All of us answer to some form of illusion. It is not guns, missiles, leaders, or gold that forces us to act out our lives as we do from day to day. The only supreme power is illusion. Harry Houdini is famous for saying, "what the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes." Science has proven this to be true down to the neurological level.

As mere children, we quickly come to fear our parents because we see them as our solace. This is true. The illusion comes in that we automatically assume they know what is best for us. Millions of parents through the years have made mistakes or allowed their judgment or anger get the better of them. Some of them have neglected their children due to the love of their partner or fling. Some allowed addiction to get the better of them. The children suffered. Of course this is not the norm. It is just an example of how illusions can be turned against us.

I ask you all this question. How is what our governments and "leaders" have done to us all any different? Over seven billion of us bow down to the implied "might" of a few thousand. Every one of us has control over how things play out in our world. The ONLY factor that removes our power is illusion. The rulers of the world have been working tirelessly now for centuries to burn into our minds the idea that belief systems should demand that we slaughter one another. It does not matter what system you put into the blank. The answer is always the same. All belief systems other than unconditional love breed division.

We have all lived under the brunt of these concepts for eons now. Our ancestors allowed themselves to be ruled by few. Everyone talks of the progress our world has made. I call bullshit on that statement. What does any "progress" account for. Whether it be technology, science, political, economic, or otherwise. Nothing means anything. Thousands of years of struggle and for what? Billions of lives lost in the name of "progress". The only concept that has progressed is the idea that a few can divide billions of souls using illusion to further their own agendas. That is not progress. It is only a damn shame.

Billions of people, even as write these words, know deep down that they are being outright lied to and stolen from all the time by their media, political, and military leaders. They know this. The thing that keeps them from doing anything about it is fear. They fear that if they don't conform that they will be taken out or even merely looked at as "crazy". How funny it would be if the world was able to know the core of each others thoughts. Only to realize that more than half of us at least agree with the "conspiracy theories" that are gaining more and more ground with every passing second. Let me put it in terms that the reality television lovers might better understand. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then its most likely a duck.

To tie together my statement. If everyone would quit labeling everyone else a "truther" or a "nutjob" and actually do a little research to check their stories then they will come to the conclusion that the majority of what most of them say is true. Of course there are tons of misinformation out there. It is up to you to collect all the data and see what overlaps and is backed by historical facts. Realize that our governments are keeping vast troves of secrets and intelligence from us all. And it is not for the sake of "national security".

I am talking about all governments. No exclusions. Many are far more guilty than others. But the first ones to investigate are the ones that stand to lose the most. Who has the motive to lie and kill to protect their own asses? All the truth is right in front of you. Don't take my word for it. Do the research and come to your own realization. For every one of you that spreads the information to someone else then the collective majority of Earth gets closer to the one goal that will ever stand a chance of making monumental change and REAL, tangible and true progress in our world. Stop being blinded by the divisional illusions that are cast against us all and start realizing that we all want the same things in life. Even those who appear to act the opposite ultimately desire what is best for the world. As for our "leaders" and "elite"... they will just have to succumb to their fears and spend the rest of their days paying the price for the atrocities and immorality they have imposed on us all.

It is time to take back our unity. It is time to allow all others to express their beliefs without fear of scorn. If we can all come to the agreement that anything should be allowed that does not adversely affect another life or remove their freedom to choose their own path then the world will see the true meaning of the word progress.

By Christopher Storm

-aka- "The Stormcaller"

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