
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Calling on Congress to Do the Right Thing

I am writing as your constituent in the 11th Congressional district of Virginia. I oppose H.R.2883 - Child and Family Services Improvement and Innovation Act

While this bill may seem to so many members of Congress as one which should be taken for granted as a "no-brainer" due to the length of time these laws have been in place; I am here to simply ask not only the representatives of Virginia but ALL members of Congress to read over the highlights of what these laws empower agencies such the C.P.S to accomplish.
Perhaps you all have known what powers they possess and perhaps you do not. I am certainly no politician, however, I AM a concerned parent foremost, and a concerned citizen of the State of Virginia and this once great nation that hundreds of millions of people call home.
It may seem to members of Congress after details are found about who I am and exactly what I am involved in that I am nothing but a jaded man who feels dumped on by "the system". This initial perception is not an unexpected reaction.
I do have 100's of people who, if were in the same room, could and would convince you otherwise. Being profiled is nothing new to me. I ask you all to please not look at me as one person but to look at me as a man who represents the voices of millions of parents and children across this nation. Now, from the past, and in the future forward.
In 1974, CAPTA was signed into law. Expediously I might add. If I were an older man and knew what this act entailed back then; I likely would have taken great action in getting the details of its powers assimilated into a large message to every parent in America, written in plain english and plastered all over newspapers, magazines, television, and shouted the message in the streets.
Noone whom I represent would tell any member of Congress that laws protecting children need not be in place. However, I can guarantee you that if each and every citizen of the U.S were aware of exactly what C.P.S, D.F.S and the family courts are capable of; Not ONE person would agree to it. Save the C.P.S & D.F.S employees themselves.
Perhaps I am just stating the obvious and the ladies and gentlemen of Congress have full knowledge and details of what goes on in C.P.S investigations. Or maybe you just assume that you do. While my particular case is but one example, there are literally millions of instances over time where children have been taken from their parents. Permanently.
One could argue that there has been many cases in C.P.S since 1974 and the numbers only appear staggering. Broken down on an annual basis, while I do not know the exact statistics; I can say they are still staggering.
The supposed goal of C.P.S and D.F.S is mandated as "Full reunification of the family whenever possible." If the ladies and gentlemen of Congress were to read my blog I promise there would be some who either thought I was drastically exaggerating or downright lieing. I can promise you all that some of you would want to look into the matter more deeply to see what is true and what is not. My blog: tells the REAL story of what happens on a daily basis in our country.
This is not a publicity stunt nor am I using this platform as free advertisement. I am like many of the members of Congress in that I do have an agenda. My particular agenda is one of a personal nature that truly rivals even those of President Obama. Bold statement? Many would say yes. But I ask you; What issues are more important than our children? How about our god-given right, our responsibility to nurture, educate, protect and love them?
Even the prison system goes to grave measures, expense, and risk in trying to rehabilitate even the most hardened of criminals. That being said, why does a system, an act named CAPTA whose outer shell appears so dire and fundamental, allow for the travesties of justice that occur EVERY DAY against children & their parents?
Again, maybe I appear an extremist. Especially in an election year, who would want to rock the boat in such a way as to go against what is deemed normal in modern society?
Maybe you all have already made up your minds. Maybe my words fall on deaf ears. I ask you all to please not allow this to happen. Take a look at my story. It is a story that serves not only my desires and agenda. It is one which affects the very fiber of what the word "Family" stands for.
What good is a family without its children? What purpose does it serve to strive to improve the lives of our loved ones when our loved ones have to live in fear that they could be taken from us, their parents? The parents whom will care for them and have a personal stake in doing so. A personal stake of blood or adoptive relation, of basing their relationship or marraige through making any and all sacrifices to keep our children safe. To raise them better than we were. To try and improve them in ways that we all wished we had improved ourselves in our youth.
Once again, noone is saying that laws should not be in place to protect our children. What everyone is saying is to not only oppose this bill, but to remove CAPTA as a whole. Permanently. Then strive to build a new act. One that serves the interests of the parents, children, and the families of today. One that removes the grossly overexpressed powers of agencies such as the C.P.S. One that publicly educates parents on what can, should, and will be done when their actions are put into question.
When an agency has the power to walk into someones house, bark ridiculous expectations at parents such as not having a couple dishes in the sink, a few items of clothing next to the washer, or saying that it is too taxing on children to make them clean their own room; They need to be stopped. Yes this happens. Far more than any of you might realize.
Do we all not have enough problems, responsibilities, and overall worries and concerns to address on a daily basis without having to worry about our children being taken from us for any reason C.P.S deems fit?
Our country has obvious financial, infrastructure, human interests, foreign relations, employment, and countless other issues to address. Noone should expect perfection. Noone is perfect. Nor is ANY institution or anything else comprised of human beings.
On that note, even murderers are given grace and the opportunity to make things right and become rehabilitated. Billions of FEDERAL dollars are spent on the C.P.S system annually. It is broken down from state-to-state and county-to-county. What most fail to realize, many times through no fault of their own, is that these large sums of money are being spent in ways which deeply wound the hearts and minds of parents and children every day.
More than enough money is already available for these agencies to give each case far more personal attention than it already does. Unique cases and instances exist that deserve and need this personal attention. This attention needs to be used on every case in a truthful and reasonable manner.
C.P.S Social Workers have financial incentive to lie, exaggerate, deliberately misquote and take out of context the occurances which they are paid to investigate. Lies are made about how much money is received for every child adopted out to strangers. Most times needlessly.
The problem is viewed as a whole and the tired line of "best interests of the children" is shamelessly abused. Taxpayers' money is spent in effort of getting more reward paid out for making a mockery of the institution that supports it.
The issue needs to be addressed now. Not later. It is one that could very well save a large portion of taxpayer money than is spent on it already. I have many ideas as viable options that would keep children with the ones who truly love them.

The truth is here >>

Best Regards,
Shawn Moore

By Christopher Storm
-aka- "The Stormcaller"

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Calling out huge URGENT updates

These links will all assist in helping my readers realize just how much power C.P.S(Child Protective Services) has over you, your tax dollars, and most importantly our children.

    Here it is, the first day of September 2011. T-minus 13 days until my trial, that has been continued numerous times, is yet again scheduled to occur. An issue needs clarification before I let my readers in on more recent events that have came to my attention. As clearly described in the disclaimer posted on the front page of my blog says; You, the reader, possess free will. This free will allows for many options as a human being. These options include not reading this blog. They also include reading this blog. You may exercise these freedoms any time you see fit. If you have received any sort of papers in the mail ordering you to show up for jury duty in Fairfax County then I further shall refer you back to the above mentioned freedoms.

     This blog of mine is meant to expose corruption that literally millions of American citizens are subjected to each year.  It is intended to inform the general public of the rights they have which are, in fact, infringed upon especially in relation to family court matters across the country on daily basis. I will not reiterate the legal disclaimer that is clearly posted to the right of my blog. It is your duty as a reader of this blog to read and understand its contents. That being said, lets move on to the matter at hand.

    Yesterday, I received a hand delivered notice of C.P.S’s intention to permanently terminate both my wife and I’s parental rights to both of our children. Rather than losing control of my emotions I took it upon myself to calm down and make use of this recent information. Some of the key facts in both my wife and I’s civil matter are as follows: 1) I have been living outside of my wife and I’s home for a full 6 months now. 2) I have had zero contact with either of our children. 3) My wife voluntarily changed the locks to her home. 4) All of my necessities, including all of my clothes, have been in my possession since leaving her house 6 months ago. 5) All of the furniture has been given to my wife, by me, permanently. 6) I left the house voluntarily in the first place. 7) There has been no court order to vacate what few belongings I have left in her house. Ever. 8) My wife has followed each of the department of C.P.S wishes except divorcing me. 9) My wife’s therapist threatened to testify against her at the civil proceeding if she does not divorce me. 10) My mother-in-law has gone through extensive training to obtain certification as a foster home in my wife’s home state. 11) She has put forth her full intention and desire to adopt both my wife and I’s children since last October. 12) According to the paperwork handed to me yesterday, the C.P.S and D.F.S do not want my wife and I’s children to be adopted by my mother-in-law. Why? The only reason in their documents was that she has not had much contact with her grandchildren. 13) She lives in another far away state! She has gone through extensive training, background checks, and certifications to become a licensed foster home. 14) The state she lives in has agreed to allow her to adopt our children. 15) Fairfax County, however, has not agreed to it. 16) They want to put both our children up for adoption
     They should not have ever been taken from my wife, let alone be adopted out to ANYONE. My wife has an excellent career with wonderful benefits including top rated medical care (for her and both children), paid maternity leave, weeks of paid vacation, and a salary which easily allows her to provide for both of our children in a safe, educational environment which they would thrive in. C.P.S/D.F.S has no intention of adopting our children out to my wife’s mother. Let alone my wife. . Once again, your tax dollars pays for our children’s welfare, the foster family’s payments, and services received while in the county’s custody. This is obviously not necessary for the above stated reasons.

    In the state of Virginia, it is required that there has to be no progress in changing the circumstances which led to the initial removal of the child in question to begin with before they can terminate either parents’ rights. I have a dire question that needs to be explained to me and 1,000’s of other families out there. When it has been undeniably proven that ALL of the facts stated above are, well, facts; How can the Department of Child PROTECTION Services see it in the “children’s best interest” to adopt them out to strangers?
    As mentioned in an almost foreshadowing of events to come in previous blog entries, C.P.S is big business. If their number of cases declines, so does their funding, which gives huge "incentive" for them to LIE, cheat, manipulate evidence in their favor, pay experts to hide the truth, and threaten the very families they are PAID to both rehabilitate and PROTECT. This is allowed in family court because it is a closed court. Perjury is not prosecuted against. Whenever possible, D.F.S (Department of Family Services), are mandated a required goal for FULL reunification of the family whenever possible. It is stated in their documents that they are using against my wife that some of my belongings are in her house. That my 7 year old daughter has a room in the house. It is stated that our children have their own rooms in the foster home they now reside in. Ok. 17) Well my 7 year old daughter also has not been at that house for over a year now. Her belongings there could easily be moved to the basement as well. That would give both of our children their own separate room. 18) It is a spacious 3 level townhouse.  19) New appliances, a brand new unused Babee Tenda crib and high chair are also in the house. For those who are not familiar with that furniture; It is rated as the #1 baby furniture manufacturer in the country. 20) There is also a BabySense V baby monitor in the house, which is said to be the safest, most technologically advanced baby monitor on the market. It is said to help prevent the nefarious S.I.D.S that has claimed so many childrens lives over the years. 21) None of that furniture has been use once. It is 1,000’s of dollars in value. It has undoubtedly sat there since before my wife and I’s daughter was born 5+ months ago.
    Furthermore, the report that D.F.S(Department of Family Services) submitted to the court states that "no progress" has been made toward changing the circumstances which led to our children’s removal. None. All of the previously mentioned facts count as zero progress? I would hate to see what their definition of progress is. Maybe their definition of "progress" is getting two beloved children with a family that possesses the ability to give them a great, productive life sold to the highest bidding stranger that wants to adopt them?

    Speaking of progress; Our country is supposed to symbolize freedom in its purest form. I guess their definition of freedom includes tearing children away from loving families. Families that more than possess the capacity to care for their children financially, emotionally, educationally, and spiritually. I have not once asked the courts to grant me visitation of my wife and I’s children. All I have asked for is that they be permanently returned to my wife. I am willing to further go through the red tape involved in order to be reunited with our children when the law so allows me to. I am only willing to do so if the children are returned to my wife. She does not deserve to be without them. She hasn’t deserved any of the torture she has been put through by these people.
    I understand, to a certain point, their not wanting me to be around my kids.  22) They are not aware of all the true facts of my defense. A defense, mind you, that has been delayed numerous times. I have watched these vultures tear apart my wife and I’s name, watched them lie in court and on paper numerous times. I have watched my wife be manipulated and threatened into silence by the courts, the C.P.S and their minions. I have now made the conscious decision to not be quiet and to defend my wife, myself, my familys’ name, and naturally our children.

    This injustice must stop. It should have never been empowered to start. Since 1974, CAPTA, signed into law by the “good president Richard Nixon” has empowered agencies such as the C.P.S and the D.F.S to bulldoze through parent’s rights. They mask it by using their catch all phrase, “We are here to preserve the best interests of the children.” That would be great if they made truthful effort in doing so. However, they do not. Matter of fact, 4 out of 5 times they do not. Google it. Research it. Look at the links provided on numerous websites including the blog you are now reading.

    I fully understand not wanting to believe the word of one man about such a serious subject. So take it upon yourselves to believe the words of the tens of millions of families over the decades, the 100's of 1,000's of children and families annually, and the thousands of children and families daily who are or who have have been subjected to investigation and unlawfully stripped of their rights across the country. My case is far from an isolated incidence. It is, however, a case that presents unique circumstances which must be taken into serious consideration. It involves human rights, the constitution, and the rights all American citizens are born into. Many cases involve these all- important issues. All I am asking for is a "fair shake", if you will, to let my story be heard and given the benefit of the doubt. I feel that my wife, our children, and myself all deserve to have the facts of my case heard in criminal court just once before any decision is made to terminate either of our parental rights.
    I beg anyone out there to join me in this fight against these laws which do nothing but benefit the sick immorality, injustice, and the further decline of our nation that our founding fathers fought and died to build. Millions of soldiers have died to preserve our freedoms. I now ask this one burning and dire question:
    Do you feel it a good cause to fight for America's freedom and what our country is supposed to stand for when all that  has been done toward the "progression" of our nation, especially in recent years, is the stripping and trampling of the very rights that our beloved mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, children, cousins, and all around beloved friends give their lives to protect?
     We all owe it to society and to the forward development of our country to end the ruin of our families and our freedoms that we all hold so dear. Thank you all for your support. Fair weather and God Bless. Namaste<3

By Christopher Storm
-aka- "The Stormcaller"