
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Actions Toward Establishing A Free World, Part Six: Poverty And Homelessness: An Ever-Increasing Epidemic

When you pass by a homeless person on the street, what do you do? Glare at them and clench your pocketbook? Hold sorrow in your heart? Judge them and make up scenarios in your mind as to how they arrived in their situation? When you see immigrants and their families walk out of Welfare offices do you hate them because you believe they should have to earn their way like anyone else? Does your decision differ depending on whether or not these people are white or a minority? These are questions we should be asking ourselves if the world is to ever recover from the dire straits that we have put it in.

By not standing up against the endless encroachments the governments of the world have made against our well being, it has given them an edge in taking away our hard earned money. Not to mention that this money is almost used on things that few of us support at all. They line our pockets while we struggle to put food on our plates and gas in our tanks so that we can go to work the next day and make more money for people who rarely care about how hard we strive to get our jobs done.

It is important to remember that many homeless people were once contributors to society and then were dealt a tough hand in life. We do not know their stories nor do we take the time to get know any of them. All it would take is the stroke of a pen for the vast majority of us to be out on our asses in the cold, just like anyone else.

Most people have become complacent and blind to the realities of the mechanical system that loosely holds itself together. The system of paper money which so many people worship is likely to come crashing down at not even a moments notice. How would it feel to be forced into robbery or murder just to save your family and get a few days food or water? Could you put a bullet in someone else's head because they tried to break into your home to get your dwindling resources in times of an emergency? Scenarios like these are not just made for the movies. It wouldn't take much to make them a part of our everyday reality.

Just like any other detrimental topic I have covered in this blog, all the problems generally have the same solution. The solution is to rise up and demand drastic improvement. To demand that we stop being traded as commerce on the private market of immoral bankers and string pullers. There are three areas they want to impose on us that we MUST NOT allow them to implement in any way, shape or form. The first red line to defend is them not taking away our free speech and expression on the internet. This is our battleground. Without it, we are lost and our method of unity and way of networking and growth in numbers. The second is making sure they do not try and put any kind of microchip in us or our children. Anyone who believes it is only used to store information and gain computer or home access is just plain stupid. Lastly, we can not allow them to take away our guns. History has proven time and time again what happens when governments take away the defense of their citizens. Mass slaughter, imprisonment, and slavery. If we can unconditionally defend and hold these three areas then we might have a fighting chance to create much needed improvements.

They are already trying to dwindle down public assistance. Cutting Food Stamps is just the beginning of their plans. Cutting veteran benefits is high on their list as well. Along with many more cuts to create the illusion of less spending. There is no reason that people with the will to work and earn a living should not be allowed to do so. Poverty strikes the hearts of people around the world and has for decades. It's just being noticed more now because it is becoming more common in the northern hemisphere. When the children and families in Africa and South America suffer people think its alright because it doesn't affect them. I have already covered ideas to eradicate hunger and thirst in those countries. It is no different there than here.

Mandating corporations who are worth say a few billion dollars or more to have to build vertical farms would be one way of improving the crisis of hunger. The wealthy diamond mine owners in Africa should be no exception to this. They should have to build ten vertical farms for every billion in profit they bring in. Not to mention every worker they murder for not carrying out their slavery to their liking.

It just goes to show that when the problems of the world come home to roost in our backyard then we begin to take notice in them. What we need to do is take action on improving the situation and ousting the vast majority of the corrupt leaders before they permanently run our world into a spiral of terror and ungodly suffering before its too late. Go to the root of the problem and get rid of those that create them and then we can put into place people who do something tangible about the woes of the world while proving it with actions and unprecedented changes to make where we all live a better world for us and our children for generations to come. All the technology and wonders we are inventing will do us all no good if mother Earth is unable to support the life that uses it.

By Christopher Storm
-aka-"The Stormcaller"

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Actions Towards Establishing a Free World, Part Five: Hunger & Starvation: The Illusion Of Scarcity In A Separatist Society

Undoubtedly, you or someone you know has been affected by the growing hunger problem in our world. Never mind the fact that third world countries have been affected by mass starvation for eons and photos of emaciated babies and families have been plastered on magazines and television for decades now. Finally people are realizing that something is getting worse now that that this issue has come home to roost in their own homes and communities.

Public assistance programs are not enough these days to keep even families in the United States from going hungry. The government has voted to cut food stamp programs and likely continue the cuts rather than cutting any number of needless defense projects or "black budget" items that gain more and more ground toward stripping what little freedoms we have these days. Yet further perpetuation of the giant lie that there just isn't enough to go around for everyone.

Instead of cutting foreign aid to interests abroad, the United States is spending our money on building the next gestapo to create a full on open air prison for us all. Families everywhere around the world are seeing their jobs outsourced or automated to cut rate interests in remote areas. They are seeing their health care costs skyrocket under the guise of providing more quality health care. Most people couldn't afford it before the mandates and 200%-400% increases. Even with the "tax breaks" given, it's still a fat chance for most people to be able to afford them. With this being said, how are people supposed to be able to feed themselves and their families when food costs are going up exponentially, jobs being lost by the millions, and benefits being cut on top of it all? Even the "cheap" food that is borderline rat poison, pumped full of chemicals, and created to fatten us up for the slaughter is getting more expensive.

This brings me to the point of the illusion I am speaking of. Just like all else the governments want you to believe, scarcity is a lie. There are and have been solutions for a long, long time to this problem. For one thing, taxing farmers should be illegal. Also, if the technology that now exists which completely eliminates the need for pesticides and fertilizer was immediately implemented then it would hack the costs to the farmers for growing not only more food at a far lower price, but far more healthy food at a lower price. Furthermore, if mandates were put into place that cut out processed fats, sugars, and chemicals from foods and it was made a requirement to only offer healthy choices in all food industries then it would produce a giant boom for farmers world wide and drastically lower the cost of produce and healthy grains, etc. Obviously, in time, this would kill two birds with one stone, lowering food costs while drastically lowering health care costs across the globe due to a far healthier global population.

Vertical farms should be mandated to be constructed by corporations who clutter big cities with a hundred story buildings. Instead of taxing them, require them to feed the neighborhoods on the "other side of the tracks." Mandate holistic health care and dissolve the evil that is big pharmacy. This would create yet another giant incentive for farmers to flourish rather than suffer. Mandate cures (that have existed for ages) via herbs and natural methods rather than "treatments" via loosely tested, man-made poisons that do nothing to solve the problems at their roots.

Why isn't this done? For the same reason that prevents all the other "problems" in the world from being solved. Greed. At any cost, corporations "lobby" (aka- fill the pockets of governments) to create laws that prevent self-sufficiency for the average human being. This is why children can't sell lemonade and people can't grow their own food legally in many places anymore. It's a corporate world with anti-human interests in the places where hearts used to reside and cold stone now lies.

Are we powerless to stop it? No. As in all other solutions to other manufactured problems, all that is required is for the people of the world to stand together and demand drastic change. Even if it means guilting and manipulating the minds of our militaries until they are forced to see what has been perpetrated against them and how little their masters care about them. If a Billion people the world over stood up, stopped paying taxes, and demanded the removal of the elect then real plans could be put into place that would be the catalyst for true, genuine organic growth of a new world economy based on trade and quality over consumerism and landfill goods.

If we do not end the fear of our governments and take our world and our God-given human rights back then there will not be a planet left for even the "elite" to live on, let alone our children. Mother nature is demanding drastic steps in the other direction toward her healing. The deepest, most protected bunkers burrowing to the center of the Earth will not protect the few that control the ways of the world. The many tons of ill gotten gains they have acquired will mean nothing. No more than glimmers in the fading lights of their watery tombs as they gasp in panic before taking their last karmic breaths of desperation as they succumb to the will of the demons who are waiting in anticipation to devour and eternally torment their bought and paid for souls.

By Christopher Storm
-aka-"The Stormcaller"

Post Script: If you like what you read then don't forget to +1, share to your social media circles, comment, and join Stormcalling as a FREE member. Thanks so much for all your support.

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Actions Towards Establishing A Free World: Part Four: Suppressed Technologies, The How's And Why's Of Planet Saving Sciences

Another detrimental effect that misdirection and jaw-dropping lies perpetrated by the governments of the world has on the evolution of society are the multitudes of technologies that have been purposefully shoved into government warehouses over the decades. Few would believe the existence of science that is shown to them as science fiction only to create the illusion that we are hundreds of years away from any such developments.

First and foremost, there is the issue of known cures for the world's health problems. From cures for cancer to holistic regimens that have been in use to prolong a healthy human lifespan and all but eradicate all known viruses and illnesses; The list speculated by professional the world over is longer than I care to investigate. Big pharmacy is big money and big business. Health insurance is a hot issue and if the world knew the truth about how they have been lied to than I suspect that the world's "leaders" would all be strung up by the neck in their respective countries. It doesn't take but a few clicks of the mouse to find leads on these topics. The soursop fruit, or guanabana is known to prevent and eradicate cancer. The problem is that governments can not patent something that grows wildly. This information is greatly downplayed and not made available to the masses so that cancer patients can go through their insurance companies and create billions in revenue for doctors and hospitals. There are many remedies for countless ailments that grow naturally in the ocean and forests of mother Earth. This eye-opening video might come across as an info-mercial but it holds many answers to our most pressings health concerns. It is backed up by proven science and big players in the health care industry. Check it out HERE.

The next biggest answer that the world has had for decades now is the solution to our energy needs. Multiple inventions were attempted to be patented by many inventors that created energy essentially from nothing. Singular, stand alone generators that could provide limitless, abundant electricity and free the world from the evil grasp of big oil and energy giants have been siezed and the creators silenced by the government. When you threaten to shut down multi-Trillion dollar industries almost overnight, it makes murderers out of already filthy wealthy tyrants. Nuclear energy using Thorium could have provided cheap, clean power for the world, but it failed to offer the big money that is needlessly rung from our wallets day in and day out.

There have been water powered vehicles invented many times and, once again, the inventors were silenced and threatened, some purported killed because they were about to release secrets that would effectively shut down the consumerism of big oil and big automobile industries.

The quality of all the items we consume could be so well engineered as to outlast even the most longest lifespans. They are made as to create wealth for corporations as to make supply and demand a vicious cycle to impoverish and enslave the masses to keep them making big money for the corporations that line the pockets of our "elected" officials.

The possibility for every man, woman, and child to live truly free lives from birth to death without working low wage jobs while receiving limitless energy, clean water, and homes that never need maintenance or upkeep other than sanitary has existed for decades. The issue is plain and simple. Greed at all costs. The "elect" have worked tirelessly to create the system we all live in today. They have created the illusion that we all must work dead end jobs to make ends meet and send our children to schools that pound in the doctrines manufactured by our governing bodies.

John F. Kennedy gave a speech just one week before he was assassinated that was to be the introduction for exposing the intricate web of deception created by the Jesuits and the string pullers of the world for hundreds of years. There is very little we all have been led to believe that is not rotten with deception and atrocious lies that have been the cause of needless deaths of probably billions of people over the last few hundred years. Just like Abraham Lincoln, Mr. Kennedy was killed because he challenged the evil agenda of the so-called "elite".

All of the problems in the world today could be addressed inside of a year. All it would require is the right people getting access to all the patents and information that have been accumulated over the years for these inventions and truths. Lenient policies on farming and becoming truly self sufficient as human beings with universal world knowledge of these cures and technologies for us all could change the face of our world in ways that even the most optimistic Utopic hopefuls could only dream of. This would happen in the span of ten years or less. The needless slaughter of animals commercially, the decimation of our forests, the creation of affordable healthy foods for all of us, the release of the truth of cures for so many cancers and diseases coupled with the developing sciences and technologies which are exponentially creating growth in all fields of science would create liberty for all countries and abundance for each living being on our beloved planet.

The catalyst for these changes lies within the same answers as with anything else. We all must unite in mass to make our demands clear and undeniable. If we can stop a war with Syria with countless phone calls and emails, imagine the things we could create if all of us put down our separation of religious and political affiliations for even just one month and protested the world over. Imagine a billion people united on earth all at the same time making the same demands. It would inspire heads of state to oust the criminals that have been carrying our the evil agendas of the few while creating the pathway for tangible growth for us all as human beings. More people are waking to the truth every day. All it would take is for the right information to be released virally to the right outlets, exposing ALL truths for what they are. Detriments to our evolution and threats to our way of life. Make the right decision. Begin speaking with your friends and loved ones about the issues that we all can spark a revolution in. Rise up in truth and unity or fall down to slavery and oppression.

By Christopher Storm
-aka- "The Stormcaller"

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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Actions Towards Establishing A Free World, Part Three: Environmental Effects On Our Beloved Planet

As most people go about their days believing that all is well with the world because their own lives have yet to be affected things are occurring which are changing the intrinsic nature of the one planet we all call home. While people lament the latest pop music or movie icon, blow a thousand dollars on the latest i-crap, or send pictures of their latest meal they ate; animals are dying by the thousands every day. Species go extinct. hundreds of acres of trees are cut down. Our own Pacific ocean is now seeing the worst environmental disaster of all time. Fukushima spills thousands of gallons of toxic waste each day into the ocean, poisoning it at extreme levels and making it unsafe to swim in, let alone dream of eating any food that can be brought from it. I could go on forever about who I think truly created this disaster and many others. Few would believe me so I will simply suggest, as in all cases, to do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

The depth of the message I am attempting to bring to your attention is that if the world continues to not demand drastic measures to take place to correct these atrocities committed against our planet then we all are guaranteed to perish within many of our own lifetimes. Technology has existed for a long time that could eliminate the root causes that create these disasters. It all comes down to the issue of suppressed technologies. Free electricity generators, pure water filters, and water powered cars are just a few inventions that have been silenced by the corporate led governments with only their own immoral, greedy agendas in mind.

The very landscape of our future hinges upon the worlds ability to speak up and demand overt changes to the entire system of governance that far too many kneel to. This is not the time to allow ourselves to be distracted by the mindless television programming or dumbed down by the seedy agendas of the health and education systems. This is the time for a world wide rebellion. A revolution to end all revolutions. The governments have declared war on us. It's time that we prepare to defend our rights as human beings the whole world over. End the fear and draw a line in stone and protect it with our lives. Imagine a world where even five percent of our population stands up against the vast minority. They only have so many bombs and bullets. They also require enough soldiers willing to slaughter billions of innocent people.

Chemtrails fill our skies and kill our trees and our health. The idea that mind control technology only exists in sci-fi movies must be eliminated from your minds. This information is far from top secret. All it takes is a few clicks of a mouse and keyboard to see the truth for what it is. The lazy, culturally zombified ideals that permeate our society, especially here in the United States, is something that could very well spell out the end of everything that we all have taken for granted for all these years. "It could never happen here. America is the land of the free and the home of the brave." Such beliefs in the crap we all our spoon fed from birth must stop if we all are to survive the incursion of fascism that is being incrementally and systematically implemented as I type these words.

Now is the time to attack them where it hurts. In the bank accounts and in the minds of the very people they are, at this moment, programming to kick in our doors and kill us and anyone who stands up for our God given rights as righteous beings of this planet that we owe everything to.

Screw the laws that say you can't grow your own food or have clean water on your own land. I say that the world should get to know their neighbors and stop being so competitive and believing they are better than the other. A vast majority of us all want the same thing. To live in peace and harmony without anyone else forcing us to be slaves to the system they create to support their own selfish and immoral agendas. Ask yourself, even all you multi-millionaires out there, do you really believe that the "elite" care anything about you as a person? Do you actually think that they will save you a place in their supposedly impenetrable bunkers when the planet breaks into chaos? The top billionaires might be allowed on their lists for protective services. They might also be on their list to be wiped out and squeezed dry by the same people that make these empty promises. When times get tough, those with the real resources and true influence will be the ones that end up on top.

Crops such as hemp alone could create such massive change in the way being "green" is thought of. It has exponentially better returns than trees and has far more uses. Including fuel and medicinal uses. The giant that is Monsanto owns over eighty percent of the crap that grocery stores keep on their shelves. Everyone complains about the cost of healthy foods. What they fail to realize is that it was designed that way. If everyone ate organic, healthy foods then the costs of those foods would be far less than the cost of the unhealthy foods that advertising and mind controlling programming gets us swarming to fast food restaurants.

I personally believe that mother Earth is about to give us all a wake up call. With the assistance of almighty God. Those who keep their souls in line with the ideals of creating a better place for their future generations to live in will likely be saved a special place in the afterlife. No matter how small a contribution to keeping our planet cleaner and more protected from further abuse; The karma is surely to pile up nicely in your
favor in the times to come.

Thanks for your support. If you have ever considered becoming a writer yourself and would like to get free advice on how to pursue those interests then please check out my new blog, Strike Write.

By Christopher Storm
-aka-The Stormcaller