So many people speak of "going green" and focusing on clean energy. I am all for it. Loving our planet is a must. However, the technologies have existed for many, many years that would push society toward a veritable zero "carbon footprint". The very governments that boast they are doing everything in their power to make it more available to us all are the same ones who murder the scientists and home inventors that uncover the secrets to free energy.
Yeah, that's right. I said murder. There was a car that ran off of pure water which could be driven coast to coast and electric generators that created usable electricity out of thin air! The energy crisis is not a crisis. Clean fuel needs not be invented or improved upon. It has been here. Big oil and big car makers and big energy corporations are owned by the world's elite. It is simply a case of power and money.
Those who get their "news" from the daily paper and television are cut off from the truths. The internet is a wealth of information and the last bastion of true, uncut, freedom of expression that exists. I am not saying that everything on the internet should be taken as absolute truth. I am saying, however, that more and more there exists well thought out and well researched work that all but 100% proves many subjects previously dismissed as mere legend or rumor.
I have seen video's on YouTube of a motor that ran on 95% water and 5% gas. I have heard detailed accounts from scientists and government and military employees that well advanced technologies exist and are suppressed all the time by black corporations owned by world elite that are above even the federal government and not subject to laws.
In summary, the world does not need to plead with the governments to put more budget aside for clean energy. The world needs to speak up and call the government out on all suppressed technologies and demand they be brought into full use. Millions have died needlessly due to technologies not being available to the masses.
Imagine Africa or any poor nation with free electricity and clean water for 100% of its inhabitants. Clean water is only a matter of having available electricity in remote areas. When generators can run on nothing and cost nothing except for the machine itself; the sky is the limit. Imagine the world over with cars and trucks that run off of only clean water! THAT, my dear readers, is change you can measure.
Medical technologies and treatments are a whole other subject unto itself. There is a fruit called the guanabana aka the soursop fruit, which grows in South America, that has been proven, yes proven, to cure cancers of all types. You can not patent a fruit. That is the only reason it hasn't seen mainstream use. In terms of all the other medical treatments, modern science has been making great leaps in the right direction.
There is a gentleman from Great Britain I believe who is working on developing a pill that can keep people alive for twice as long as we typically live now. Say 150-200 years. He goes on to say that when that is developed; it would not be long after that living until the age of 1000 would be plausible!!
Getting back to the point though; the technologies that have been kept from us need to come out in the open. The big corporations need to take their trillions of dollars and pass it down and let the free energy go to the world over. The time for secrecy is over. It is time for the veil to be lifted in every way possible. I believe in my heart of hearts that disclosure of many things is coming in the very near future. As in the next five years or less. Namaste and blessings to you all.<3
By Christopher Storm
-aka- "The Stormcaller"
Yeah, that's right. I said murder. There was a car that ran off of pure water which could be driven coast to coast and electric generators that created usable electricity out of thin air! The energy crisis is not a crisis. Clean fuel needs not be invented or improved upon. It has been here. Big oil and big car makers and big energy corporations are owned by the world's elite. It is simply a case of power and money.
Those who get their "news" from the daily paper and television are cut off from the truths. The internet is a wealth of information and the last bastion of true, uncut, freedom of expression that exists. I am not saying that everything on the internet should be taken as absolute truth. I am saying, however, that more and more there exists well thought out and well researched work that all but 100% proves many subjects previously dismissed as mere legend or rumor.
I have seen video's on YouTube of a motor that ran on 95% water and 5% gas. I have heard detailed accounts from scientists and government and military employees that well advanced technologies exist and are suppressed all the time by black corporations owned by world elite that are above even the federal government and not subject to laws.
In summary, the world does not need to plead with the governments to put more budget aside for clean energy. The world needs to speak up and call the government out on all suppressed technologies and demand they be brought into full use. Millions have died needlessly due to technologies not being available to the masses.
Imagine Africa or any poor nation with free electricity and clean water for 100% of its inhabitants. Clean water is only a matter of having available electricity in remote areas. When generators can run on nothing and cost nothing except for the machine itself; the sky is the limit. Imagine the world over with cars and trucks that run off of only clean water! THAT, my dear readers, is change you can measure.
Medical technologies and treatments are a whole other subject unto itself. There is a fruit called the guanabana aka the soursop fruit, which grows in South America, that has been proven, yes proven, to cure cancers of all types. You can not patent a fruit. That is the only reason it hasn't seen mainstream use. In terms of all the other medical treatments, modern science has been making great leaps in the right direction.
There is a gentleman from Great Britain I believe who is working on developing a pill that can keep people alive for twice as long as we typically live now. Say 150-200 years. He goes on to say that when that is developed; it would not be long after that living until the age of 1000 would be plausible!!
Getting back to the point though; the technologies that have been kept from us need to come out in the open. The big corporations need to take their trillions of dollars and pass it down and let the free energy go to the world over. The time for secrecy is over. It is time for the veil to be lifted in every way possible. I believe in my heart of hearts that disclosure of many things is coming in the very near future. As in the next five years or less. Namaste and blessings to you all.<3
By Christopher Storm
-aka- "The Stormcaller"