
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Christopher Storm: A View From The Inside

    I feel it more than necessary to apologize for my extended absence from this blog over the past few months. I encountered many roadblocks over the winter and then found the light brighter than ever. This brings me to my next point. Although I will continue my philosophies on all of society and offer my own suggestions as to how to overcome adversity; I am shifting my focus away from exposing corruption, itself. I may offer rebuttals to other people's actions or arguments, but there are plenty of YouTube channels and other blogs which do a great job toward exposing what is actually going on behind the scenes. I do not have the resources to spread myself so thin. Investigation is extremely time consuming. I am at the stage now in my life where I have came to the conclusions (through investigating) that I need to in order to form strong beliefs about such matters. It is up to the rest of the world to see them for what they are. The act of trying to change people's minds is taxing on both one's psyche and body. I owe it to myself and my loved ones to take care of myself in effort towards having the ability to better provide for them in the future.

    My journey has officially begun in the next extraordinary stage of my life. I have found the core of my truth and am determined to offer as much positivity as possible for all those who enjoy my work. You all deserve it. I have invested vast amounts of money toward making my dreams come true. What dreams are those? First and foremost, becoming a published author. Also, to make such a peaceful and enjoyable life for myself and loved ones and build infrastructure for businesses that actually DO something to greatly assist the betterment of humanity. Although that road is a long one, I am confident that it will happen sooner than I believe. But, I digress.

    My autobiography, Dark Secrets, will be available in September at least in e-book form. If I can land the funding for the final expenses then it will be available in both paperback and hardback as well. As I knew it would be; It is undeniably the most difficult book I will ever write. It is not easy to talk about yourself for 80,000 words or more and make people glued to the pages. Even when you've lived a truly intriguing and challenging life as I have. This is not to an attempt to downplay the types of lives that countless human beings from all around the planet have suffered. But, my suffering has been one of primarily internal torture and conflict. There were many outside influences, but I have never suffered through the rigors of war, pestilence, or famine. All those who have deserve great improvements in their lives and I whole-heartedly desire them to experience just that.

    Stormcalling has been a venue for me to grow in many ways. But now that I am able to focus and coherently express my ideas and opinions in a much more profound manner than I have in the past. I know this evolvement of mine will shine through in my writing ability. Not to say I wasn't a good writer before. Just saying that I knew I could do far better.

    For too long the people of the world have been subjected to tyranny and made to fear those who imposed said tyranny upon them. But, now there is a tangible change throughout the world. There is becoming apparent a dividing line between those who understand that what we are going through is profoundly positive and those who believe what we are going through is profoundly negative. My hope is that as many humans and animals as possible make it through this great transition and into what some perceive "heaven on Earth."

    I am NOT a man who adheres to religion. I am a man of philosophy and depth. Able to see things for what they are while looking at the bigger picture. At the same time I have the unique ability to see things broken down as smaller gears of this larger mechanism that is about to explode like the proverbial time bomb it truly is. What is different about this scenario than in previous eras is that this one shall define who is in the blast zone and who escapes the clutches of eternal suffering. Not the "lake of fire" or any such scare tactic as that. I am speaking of those who are able to look inside themselves and understand why they feel the way they do and change it. Those who understand that looking outside for a savior or someone to sweep them away into the dream they have only wished for is simply that. Wishing.

    Wishing and hoping is an act of outside reliance. Science itself is beginning to prove that the ways of ancient life were the way they were not because of religion. Not because of science. But because of spiritual understanding. While science can create many wonders, it can also create many atrocities. The "double edged sword" if you will.

    The more that people develop their own intuition and grow the ability to trust that intuition in a positive and unbiased manner; The more that Earth will become a place of solace for those who do exactly that. I do not know what will become of the planet as a whole. I do know, however, that I will do everything in my power to assist others in finding that ability to have the peace and prosperity they deserve.

    It is a distinct possibility that a large portion of the world will not make it into what we know as the "peaceful utopia" that so many have yearned to experience. It is also a probability that a giant percentage of our world will become a part of an advanced peaceful and enlightened reality. Who experiences what is up to them. If you believe that the "bad guys win" and untold suffering will be thrust upon you and those you love then that will become your reality. It is those who prove their own resilience and will and transcend such beliefs, becoming the change they need for themselves who will walk past the boundaries which separate this current reality and the serenity of the other reality that most of us truly prefer. One day it is likely that those who make this transition will become but a glimmer of starlight in a long forgotten dream to those who choose to stay in the nightmare they have so long believed will come to fruition. I would trust that those who are unable to make it into a world of benevolence will not suffer and meet a quick demise. Few deserve such horrors or trauma.

    Earth is a place that is now falling into a kind of limbo that is being pulled apart in opposite directions. One will land in a dark land of despair and the other in a bright shining example of our most wondrous fantasies. The one you end up in is your choice. It is not for me to tell people what world they will create for themselves. All I may do is show them the possibilities.

    I believe that in the hearts of most all of us lies the possibility of redemption. Not any sort of redemption to become "worthy" in someone else's eyes. But a redemption of our own making. One that manifests as the best possible reality anyone could dream of and more. There now exists a choice for all of us. The road we are navigating is becoming more and more narrow as time passes. There will come the infamous "point of no return" for us all. Be it one of malevolence or benevolence. I believe those meant to experience the latter will, in fact, do as such. Namaste.

By Christopher Storm