
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Peace On Earth Vs. Peace Of Mind: How Do We Truly Overcome Torment?

Getting into the thick of the whys and hows of the predicament that the world finds itself in today; One must look into the past. From Romes' Julias Caesar to Hitler in Nazi Germany, Stalins' U.S.S.R to Italy's Mussolini, all of history's leaders had one common thread. The thirst for power. I don't care if you are a Republican or a Democrat or a Socialist or a fence sitter; We all have one thing in common as well. We give our governments their power. We also have the power to take it away.

If the people of the world were able to get together across the board and make informed, unified actions against our governments; it would cripple them to the brink of pure desperation. If we all began buying up seeds to grow our own food at home and stored enough water for even just a few months then proceeded to not pay taxes. Ever. Then to boycott all the worlds' largest corporations such as McDonalds and all the other fast food giants, Pepsi, Coke, Hershey's, Wal Mart, all banking institutions, Shell gas, Texaco, Exxon, BP, and the rest of the gasoline empires; It would place the world in a situation it has never faced. There are ways of living without these companies. It is all about people releasing their fears and making some sacrifices.

The problem lies within our lack of order in the ranks of citizenry. We are all the same, equal in every way. The problem is that so few of us have the wherewithal to join forces. Too many of us want to lead a small group of activists or rebels. There must be tens of thousands of groups in the world that all have the common goal of overcoming their governments' corruptive grasp on their societies. We as the true ninety-nine point nine percent of the world could all achieve every wish and dream of world peace imaginable if we came together as one completely united front. Of course this is far more easily said than done. But there is one power that could achieve much of this for us. The internet.

The internet is the last visage of hope that unites the entire northern hemisphere of Earth. If a few of the world's wealthiest people made charitable contributions then the entire southern hemisphere could also have access to this powerful tool. It would take the spreading of a message to accomplish this task. The movement for this action is already in play. It simply needs a forerunner and place where everyone goes to communicate. World wide, not just country to country. The message needs to transcend all demographics and beliefs. Including politics and religion, race and age, sex and wealth. Everyone would have to possess equal power and there must be a voting tool in place for all users to voice their opinions on actions to take. No leaders. Only threads of conversation that ran sort of like March Madness brackets. Every time an idea is seen more over it would be added to a list and then when all information and opinions on one subject are formed into a voting topic then open votes would be enabled for a full week. Results would be compiled into modes of action. These actions would be spammed across the globe as widely as possible for all to follow. This would be impossible for the governments to counteract.

Something grown to a magnitude where even one third of the people quitting paying taxes and boycotting corporations would dramatically cripple governments and the worlds' elite. The next step would be one by one getting military members on board to support a global retaking of freedom. Despite most people's negative outlook; There are a multitude of active military members who do not support the regime of treason that has been enacted within the white house and other establishments across the globe. Getting them to recruit ranks within the ranks of dedicated, good hearted soldiers to protect the worlds' people from acts of violence and rebellion is something far more possible than we realize. Newly formed Nazi-esque organizations such as the DHS must be neutralized and tried for high treason. Government leaders would be tried for crimes against humanity and acts of treason against their respective nations. Their time will come.

I feel with all my being that the world is entering a new era of peace and prosperity. I also believe that we are witnessing the final stand from the worlds' financial and political elite to try and hold onto their power. They know the world is waking up to the illusion that has been in place for millennia. Power only exists in the belief  of where the masses place it. Every human being is far, far more powerful than they realize. Many are waking up to this realization. Our utopia. Our heaven on Earth is ours for the making. Our power is ours for the taking. The elite know this. They have known it for a very long time. They have committed atrocities across the ages in an attempt to hide these facts. We are on the brink of reclaiming our world. The reclamation will not come without a price, however.

The elite will stop at nothing to thwart all efforts to prevent a full transition of power. More people will die at their hands. Matter of fact, many are dying as I type these very words. The maniacal leaders of the world have been openly stripping us of our rights and freedoms. Truthfully, this does not affect our goal. Politics will not take the power back for us. They have become incurably corrupt. It will take actions from us and those in the ranks of power who side with us to gain strength in the movement. Fire with fire, if you will. This does not mean we have to sink to their level. It means we have to establish a deeply rooted framework of individuals dedicated to building a sweeping web of communication, order, and mediators.

This rebellion would encompass all of the worlds activist groups against government and dictatorial tyranny. All groups would be added to this one global website. There would be subcategories for threads of discussion that provided issues for each region to overcome. Everyone's possible contributions could be listed for powerful networking opportunities  For example, if someone owned a large parcel of land and had a place for people within a certain distance to camp or set up housing and/ or crop growing then they could post this. If someone was a professional contractor and owns heavy equipment that could dig shelters or foundations for buildings and were willing to share this then they could post that on their profile. Alternative fuels and energy efficiency increasing machines could be built for newly developed housing areas. Information hubs where how-to articles and videos could be placed in a categorized area. Basically, everyone would have something to contribute. It is all about bartering services and supplies or knowledge to help out our fellow human.

I propose that we all continue our awakening. The ascension is within us all. There is nothing keeping us from progressing in our goals and dreams but us. Stop listening to the sheep. Forget the mass media. Use the tools at your disposal to spread words such as these. Look around you, the movement is spreading. Release your fears of repercussions. Bad things are going to happen whether you follow the governments' treasonist regime or not. Information is power. Unite so that we may conquer. Separate religion or politics from the equation. Look at the overwhelming similarity we all share. Hope. The yearning for truth. The desire for peace and freedom from tyranny. Take hold of your knowing and bask in the glory of your own power.

Announcing a new movement to begin doing just what I described in this blog. This pertains to anyone who has access to the internet and desires to end corruption and bring peace to earth instead of global corruption. Join the movement here. Just click the link below and join!
Peace and love to you all.<3

By Christopher Storm
-aka- "The Stormcaller"

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