
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Mental Disorders: Calling Out the Last Frontier of Human Rights

When people hear that someone has a mental disorder or suffers from some type of depression, syndrome, or anything that affects the mind; they tend to automatically stigmatize them as "crazy" and, therefore, dangerous. This sickens me. It is laughable to be honest. Far too many songs, movies, shows, and books tell everyone that anyone with a mental disorder is dangerous. Look up the statistics. People with disorders are far less likely to harm you than your average urban punk kid walking down the street. This is by an exponential margin, too. I would advise you to fear and rise up against government tyranny far before I would advise fearing someone with a mental disorder. Ninety-nine point nine percent of the time, as long as you don't provoke them, a mentally disabled person will not harm you.

It is a stigma that the media eats up. It is also a stigma that makes life much more difficult for those suffering from such an illness. No different than any other stereotype. It is selective and naive to make such assumptions. A drunk at a bar or a thug off the street is much more likely to commit a violent crime than a mentally disabled person. A corrupt or insecure police officer is more likely to harm an innocent these days. Look at the REAL news and it stands proof of this.

Women's rights came first. Then the minority/ African American movement was next. Now it's gay rights. At the bottom of the barrel, waiting for someone to support it, is mental health rights. Anyone can see the government trying to push laws to open up doctor patient privilege. They want to take guns away and from soldiers and give them to the morally corrupt. The ones who want to shoot and kill innocents. Why do you think so many military Generals have been fired by Obama? He wants to weed out the ones who refuse to follow orders to kill and imprison Americans who are standing up for their God given rights. The last vestige of hope for mental illness is to see doctors and therapists stand up and refuse to follow this abhorrent invasion of privacy. The patients need more stable representatives to speak up for them so everyone's voice can be heard.

Young people need to be shown all the abundant alternative ways to treat depression, ADD, and the host of other disorders out there. They need to be brave and show that they are not ashamed and that they need help and treatment that goes after the source. Once again, suppressed technologies come into the discussion. People need to demand widespread, drastic changes in the world. There is far too much unnecessary suffering in our world today. In every country. Every demographic. Rich. Poor. Black. White. Red. Yellow and Brown. Everyone has problems. There is a middle ground and a common goal. It is possible to solve this problem and all the others.

How do I know so much about mental disorders? Because I suffer from Schizophrenia, myself. It is nothing to scoff at. Just like any other disability; We are real people, too. We have emotions and things we care about. I am not ashamed of it. I feel good about the fact that I am trying to make a difference in the world by reaching out to people.

I implore everyone reading this to subscribe to this blog and share it among your pages and profiles. Help get the word out about the atrocities in our world. I promise to make steady posts each week if you promise to help me garner the strength of numbers. Comment and start conversations with one another. Network and guest blog. I'm open to it all. Thanks for your time. Namaste to you all. <3

Post Script: I will be starting a new blog this Saturday called Strike Write. It deals with current day marketing, publishing strategies and will cover famous authors of the past and present. Feel free to get in early and subscribe. There will be a new post every Saturday. Check it out here: Strike Write

By Christopher Storm
-aka- "The Stormcaller"

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