
Friday, October 11, 2013

The Art Of Stormcalling

Some people have asked me what stormcalling actually is. Stormcalling is many things. It also requires many things to accomplish in totality. First and foremost, it requires a passion for something that is important to the person initiating it. Being someone with many burning passions; I can honestly say that it has become a way of life for me. I am a writer. I love to communicate my feelings and express my frustrations and opinions. It is liberating. I do this in a way that feels right to me. Because, one day, I know it will make an impact in someones life in a tangible way. All of our thoughts expressed in an open forum with real world actions to back them up will eventually be seen as something with high worth to more than the select few who choose to subscribe to it. Stormcalling takes bravery. Willpower. Provocation. Unfortunately, it also requires sorrow and grief cast upon the masses in order to bring about its proverbial "shit hits fan" call to action.

We live in an age now where the smart people fight with their minds and, yes, their computers. Your voice can be broadcast on YouTube or via blog on any number of outlets online. More people are standing up and unifying against our common enemy. All of us, worldwide, have one thing that unifies us, whether we want to face it or not. That unifying factor is oppression. The problem is that the "elite" still utilize old methods to keep us separate. Race, religion, and political party are the weapons of division that we all must overcome if we are to truly come out of this fight victorious. We all must stand back and take a long, deep glaring look at the web we have been stuck in for so long. The spider is represented by the string pullers of our governments. Their venom is toxic and their agenda is written in plain sight for all to see. Instead of being wrapped up by their tactics we have to break free from our comfort zones and rise up against this tyranny.

They implement their agenda in steps to make it look like nothing has changed. They hack away our freedoms one by one, and enact rules to take most or part of our God-given rights away. Step back and gather your truth from the real sources. Why do you think they want control of our internet so badly? I have written about it before. Entire nations have been toppled via the internet and social media. They are afraid of us. If they weren't then they would not want to take away our freedom of speech and expression. Why do you think they label almost everyone in our "free country" a terrorist? They want to create cause to arrest us and retrain our way of thinking. They poison our water and skies to keep us hidden from the truth. What is the truth? That we are as powerful as the gods that used to be worshiped so long ago. Our bodies and minds are meant to be free and connected to the wonders of the universe. They know this and they know if they do not enact their plans in full force soon that their time will come to a screeching halt. They want to keep us under their fist, blinded by reality television, sports, and celebrities.

They have openly stolen from us and sold us since birth. The United States is NOT a sovereign nation. It is a corporation owned by the crown. Do the research. It is fact. This does not have to remain our reality. We far outnumber them. Our military is biding their time, waiting for the moment to take them down and throw them in jail where they belong. We are not without help. Just because someone is a police officer or a military does not make them the enemy. Of course there are plenty of them who have no business holding guns, let alone have the option to shoot them in a war. But you can not let the few blur your opinion of the many good people who want to help us.

This message is about shouting from the rooftops that we all can be stormcallers. I am simply a man with an idea. The idea is simple. Find your voice. Don't allow fear to stop you. Speak out about all the things you do not want forced upon you. Do the research and seek the truth. Stormcalling is about exposing the truth and outing the lies we have led to believe. It is about rising up, unified with the message of hope and prosperity. Its purpose is simple. It has one base factor that supports it and makes it immortal. Love. You can not kill a cause that is signified by the essence of spirit. The spirit of all of us across the globe. We all want freedom. But first we must call the storms to the doorsteps of the few so that we can step out of the doors of the many into a free world.

By Christopher Storm
-aka- "The Stormcaller"

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