
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Actions Towards Establishing a Free World, Part Five: Hunger & Starvation: The Illusion Of Scarcity In A Separatist Society

Undoubtedly, you or someone you know has been affected by the growing hunger problem in our world. Never mind the fact that third world countries have been affected by mass starvation for eons and photos of emaciated babies and families have been plastered on magazines and television for decades now. Finally people are realizing that something is getting worse now that that this issue has come home to roost in their own homes and communities.

Public assistance programs are not enough these days to keep even families in the United States from going hungry. The government has voted to cut food stamp programs and likely continue the cuts rather than cutting any number of needless defense projects or "black budget" items that gain more and more ground toward stripping what little freedoms we have these days. Yet further perpetuation of the giant lie that there just isn't enough to go around for everyone.

Instead of cutting foreign aid to interests abroad, the United States is spending our money on building the next gestapo to create a full on open air prison for us all. Families everywhere around the world are seeing their jobs outsourced or automated to cut rate interests in remote areas. They are seeing their health care costs skyrocket under the guise of providing more quality health care. Most people couldn't afford it before the mandates and 200%-400% increases. Even with the "tax breaks" given, it's still a fat chance for most people to be able to afford them. With this being said, how are people supposed to be able to feed themselves and their families when food costs are going up exponentially, jobs being lost by the millions, and benefits being cut on top of it all? Even the "cheap" food that is borderline rat poison, pumped full of chemicals, and created to fatten us up for the slaughter is getting more expensive.

This brings me to the point of the illusion I am speaking of. Just like all else the governments want you to believe, scarcity is a lie. There are and have been solutions for a long, long time to this problem. For one thing, taxing farmers should be illegal. Also, if the technology that now exists which completely eliminates the need for pesticides and fertilizer was immediately implemented then it would hack the costs to the farmers for growing not only more food at a far lower price, but far more healthy food at a lower price. Furthermore, if mandates were put into place that cut out processed fats, sugars, and chemicals from foods and it was made a requirement to only offer healthy choices in all food industries then it would produce a giant boom for farmers world wide and drastically lower the cost of produce and healthy grains, etc. Obviously, in time, this would kill two birds with one stone, lowering food costs while drastically lowering health care costs across the globe due to a far healthier global population.

Vertical farms should be mandated to be constructed by corporations who clutter big cities with a hundred story buildings. Instead of taxing them, require them to feed the neighborhoods on the "other side of the tracks." Mandate holistic health care and dissolve the evil that is big pharmacy. This would create yet another giant incentive for farmers to flourish rather than suffer. Mandate cures (that have existed for ages) via herbs and natural methods rather than "treatments" via loosely tested, man-made poisons that do nothing to solve the problems at their roots.

Why isn't this done? For the same reason that prevents all the other "problems" in the world from being solved. Greed. At any cost, corporations "lobby" (aka- fill the pockets of governments) to create laws that prevent self-sufficiency for the average human being. This is why children can't sell lemonade and people can't grow their own food legally in many places anymore. It's a corporate world with anti-human interests in the places where hearts used to reside and cold stone now lies.

Are we powerless to stop it? No. As in all other solutions to other manufactured problems, all that is required is for the people of the world to stand together and demand drastic change. Even if it means guilting and manipulating the minds of our militaries until they are forced to see what has been perpetrated against them and how little their masters care about them. If a Billion people the world over stood up, stopped paying taxes, and demanded the removal of the elect then real plans could be put into place that would be the catalyst for true, genuine organic growth of a new world economy based on trade and quality over consumerism and landfill goods.

If we do not end the fear of our governments and take our world and our God-given human rights back then there will not be a planet left for even the "elite" to live on, let alone our children. Mother nature is demanding drastic steps in the other direction toward her healing. The deepest, most protected bunkers burrowing to the center of the Earth will not protect the few that control the ways of the world. The many tons of ill gotten gains they have acquired will mean nothing. No more than glimmers in the fading lights of their watery tombs as they gasp in panic before taking their last karmic breaths of desperation as they succumb to the will of the demons who are waiting in anticipation to devour and eternally torment their bought and paid for souls.

By Christopher Storm
-aka-"The Stormcaller"

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