
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Calling Forth Universal Love

Most everyone has at least heard of the Mayan Prophecies of 2012. Far too many interpretations exist and they all point to one singular undeniable truth. Our society is in the midst of a paradigm shift of proportions to which Mother Earth has never felt since her birth. Renowned astrophysicist, Michio Kaku stated that many scientists theorize we all live in a "Type 0" world, which basically equates to a mostly uncivilized world where everything is misunderstood and most people leave laws and rules to appointed leaders. They also theorize that the impending paradigm shift is the one that will launch Mother Earth and her beloved inhabitants into a "Type 1" society where organized religion, governments, hate, greed, and terrible events will be unable to exist in any form.

Albert Einstein once said that his best theory of what or who God is, would be the Universe. That the extraordinary powers and energies of the infinite space is love in its purest form. Unconditional love is the highest source of energy that can be. Human beings are factually electrical vessels. We emit different "frequencies" of this electrical energy into the air. The frequencies attract like frequencies. So, when someone is burdened by negative frequencies, they attract more negative frequencies. So, "luck" is no more than this very same occurrence, either positive or negatively charged. Keep yourself at a positive wavelength no matter what, and positive things will surround you. Same goes for the negative.

The power of positive thought and mind over matter is far more real than most anyone understands. The mind controls the body. Each and every aspect of our physical selves. Much of the amazing abilities which only currently exist in the movies(that we know of) are said to be very possible. However, it is only possible if we remain calm, positive, focused, and keep ourselves at the highest possible levels of thought and concentration.

No one can fake true, unconditional love. If your thoughts are selfish and carry ulterior motives, then your highest positive mindset shall never exist. One also can not fake compassion, good morals, virtues, values, or desires. This can appear to be done by people who are con-artists or manipulators, but it only lowers their true vibratory frequency.

So, in the 1960's and 70's when hippies spoke of peace, love, happiness, and good vibrations, they were on the right track. The problem is that heavy drug use of any kind clouds your concentration and overall vibration. It is still high, but it can not be raised to its peak level when you cloud your mind. The "age of Aquarius" is the age of releasing old ways of thought, organizing our lives, our society, and our beliefs to their highest possible frequencies. When "the man" gets us down, they are, in reality, getting themselves down. When these universal energies come into full force, only those with the purest of hearts, minds,  and existence will be capable of evolving into and through the coming paradigm shift.

Stop blaming others for thinking differently, stop hating others for their appearance, lifestyle, or way of handling their problems. Let their problems be their own. They will only change because they want to. What anyone tries to force them to do only complicates their own true paths. Life truly is a journey. Even the most  doubtful people are born into spiritual journeys, whether they want it or not. Their beliefs are a reflection of that journey.

What we attempt to impose upon others is also a refection of our own morals, virtues, and values. Hence why our government is now reaping the negativity is has sown over the years since it was founded. Every action has a reaction. What goes around, comes around. These sayings exist for a reason. Our ancestors were far more intelligent than we give them credit for. Our technologies are really the only thing that has evolved in 1000's of years. It's time that our being evolve as the universe intends it to. I am guided by the positive, loving, will of the Universe and its love. Ask yourself what really guides you....

By Christopher Storm
-aka- "The Stormcaller"

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